Friday, July 1, 2011

Week 4: Veggie Fatigue?

Wednesday night, rob and I were driving home after a long day of work, and the "whaddya want to do for dinner?" question was posed. I said, "Well, what do I have in the fridge?...cauliflower, mustard greens and Swiss chard." Both of us went "eh, none of that really sounds appealing." We went to Panera.

Still, none of that remaining stuff from last week has been eaten (got home at 1:30am last night), and the slaw I made quickly became soggy gloop. And now we have this week's box:

More beets, more cauliflower, more swiss chard, more kale, more lettuce, broccoli, onions, and a bunch of basil (the latter of which would be more exciting if it wasn't already starting to turn brown, and if we didn't already have 3 basil plants growing in the garden). I saw a post on One Straw's blog that they had some more things ready and their CSA folks would be getting more stuff besides greens, but...not quite this week!

So yeah, I think I've got a bit of the veggie fatigue. I'm sure it'll pass though. We're going out of town for a day and a half and then we're home for 2 days, so hopefully I'll get some inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly why people don't eat more vegatables....the prep is mentally and physically challenging! But it's also why our enitre culture eats so poorly AND overeats on fats and carbs...really our ancestors as recently as decades ago just didn't have the choices in processed foods we do. When in doubt, chop it, stir fry it and eat it with pasta (which in itself is a processed carb nightmare, but oh, so GOOD!)
