Sunday, June 12, 2011

Here's to the unexpected!

For dinner tonight I had plans for a sweet potato/kale/chickpea curry. I started by sauteeing a red onion, then added chopped garlic & ginger. Added unknown quantities of cumin, coriander, smoked paprika, Sambhar curry powder, cayenne/black pepper and a dash of cinnamon. One can of fire-roasted diced tomatoes in with that.

Then I started to prep the sweet potatoes, and got a bit of a shock...they're purple!!

I nibbled one to make sure they were in fact sweet potatoes and not purple potatoes. They didn't taste particularly sweet, but then again I'm not sure I've really tasted raw regular sweet potatoes. They definitely seemed to have the same texture as regular sweets. So I carried on and threw these in along with our kale, and a can of chickpeas, plus some water.

When all was cooked about 20 mins later, I turned off the heat and added about a cup of plain Greek yogurt and some cilantro. I had been looking forward to the orange/green color contrast, but this took on its own interesting hue:

Actually, that doesn't look quite as purple/red/pink as it really was.

Yeah, that's more like it. Served with Trader Joe's tandoori-spice naan--man, that stuff is good! I'm keeping a bag in the freezer and just stick a piece in the toaster oven for a few minutes, then put a pat of butter on it.

So the curry tasted good in my white-girl-who-doesn't-really-know-how-to-make-curry way...but honestly I kept being weirded out that this thing that looks pretty much like borscht does not taste like borscht. Ah well...there's a bunch of it left; hopefully I can get through it all!

Had I realized I had purple sweets, I probably would have done something different like roasted them or made some kind of potato salad. Maybe we'll get some more!


  1. That Naan is especially delicious with Root Beer F.Y.I.

  2. Thinking about most things are delicious with Root Beer. Digging the blog....
