Friday, November 25, 2011


OK, I lied.

One more dish emerged from the CSA veggies. I think as I was writing the "recap" post, I realized there were still things in the fridge that were edible and I should really just use them up. Therefore, soup:

This used all of the remaining veggies except for some hot peppers, because...I don't want to kill myself.

Baby turnips, green peppers (one of which was turning red), a poblano pepper, one hot red chili pepper, 1/2 head of cabbage, and some bok choy. And a zucchini that was hanging around. Also: a large onion, 4 cloves of garlic, some tomato paste, 1 can of diced tomatoes, chicken broth, 1 can each of white beans & chickpeas, and the rind from a piece of parmesan. I've heard this is traditional to simmer in your minestrone...not really sure if it did anything...but I added some grated parmesan to my bowl.

So I feel better now that these are used up. Whew!

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